These are Planet Bike Hardcore recumbent 20” fenders. I believe they are also called “freddy fenders”. Planet bike sells them separately so you can’t buy them as a set. I guess it’s common for recumbent to have a different sized front and rear wheel (thus no sets). Including shipping both these cost me about $30.
It was a little challenging installing the rear fender. I criss-crossed some handi ties over the screw hole (the Downtube doesn’t have any place to fasten these). Still, the fender would slip down gradually while riding. I applied some duct tape around the screw hole area so that this wouldn’t happen. The duct tape went under the fender and around the frame. I could have m
The front fork of the Downtube doesn’t have a hole that neatly lines up with the wire holder of the fender. Thus, I fastened it using handi ties to the fork. I could have done p-clamps, but that would require me cutting the wire short. Again, I didn’t want to modify the original parts. I wish that planet bike would make their wires long and with an adjustable fastener to go up and down the fender. I’ve seen these fenders on some bikes. Longer adjustable wires would allow you to reach further or shorter depending on the hol
Injury update: I’m riding more, but still taking it easy. Lifting the front part of the bike hurts my left hand slightly. Some slight pain when separating thumb and index finger on my left hand and resting on handlebar. Squeezing the left brake is almost pain free.
Kind of random, but your blog came up in a google search I did! I have an avalon next bike, which apparently you purchased (and returned) about a year ago. I know absolutely nothing about bikes. If you don't mind stupid questions, I'd rather ask an anonymous stranger than go into a bike shop and have professionals laugh at me...My gear shifter is jammed, it won't let me shift to anything lower than the top gear (and I can't handle that on hills!). I also don't want to spend a lot of money. If I take it to a bike shop, I think they can replace the shifter, correct? Will it cost me a boatload of money??? Remember, the bike itself only cost 77!
Those rear deraillers are not good quality on the Avalon. To replace the rear one, you're probably looking @ $20 or so plus parts($10-15).
You may not need a whole replacement, though. It could be you just need a new cable. Those can sometimes get stuck in the housing (and not move). That would be around $10 labor and $5 for part.
Is it very hilly in you area? If it isn't, you may just find a favorite gear and leave it there. You can move the chain up or down the rings with your hand to see which one you like. That would be free!
I've found that bike shops that are not newish, clean and shiny have the highest prices. Best to find one that has parts everywhere and with a small guy with glasses. Good luck!
it looks like your rear brake cable is too short. it will give too much stress on your caliper brake.
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